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Iranian Drone Attack Highlights Big Vulnerability in Base’s Air Defense and American Living Quarters – RedState

The recent attack in which an Iranian-made drone was able to penetrate an American base’s anti-air defensive systems, kill three soldiers, and wound 47 more might have exposed a deadly vulnerability in the base’s air defense systems and living quarters for American troops. The base, officially known as “Tower 22,” is located in Jordan and sits on the border between Iraq and Syria.

Officials state that Tower 22’s air defense systems were operational at the time of the attack, however, due to some confusion, the system possibly mistook the Iranian drone for what it believed was an incoming American drone returning to the base. 

See: Suicide Drone That Killed Three American Soldiers Slipped Past Air Defenses, Mistaken for US Drone

Normally, American aircraft, including drones, all have radar transponders known as “IFF” (Identification Friend or Foe) emitters that send radar signals to…

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