Hot Air

NPR Haz Big Snit at Steyn – HotAir

So, I have to thank our son, Ebola, for this story. Tied up with military stuff in foreign climes, he hadn’t heard about The Trial of the Century: Mann v Steyn. Nor, that after twelve long years of putzing around by notorious former Penn State (now U of PA) climatologist Dr. Michael Mann, the lawsuit he had filed against Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg was finally going to an actual courtroom.

It has been riveting, and I only regret that Ed is such a tyrant here that I have no time to listen to the trial live there.

For those of you who aren’t up to speed on happenings in the vile underbelly of the climate cult world and the Climate Scientists™ who jealously guard their lucrative reputational domains against all questioning skeptics and determined data divers, let’s attempt a primer to get you up to snuff so you can appreciate the beauty of what’s occurring in a D.C. courtroom.


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