Hot Air

Is Gun Violence the Leading Cause of Death for Children? Not Exactly. – HotAir

The short answer is not really unless you tweak the numbers for both gun violence and car accidents. This is something I wrote about last April. It has become commonplace for the White House and left wing commentators to claim that gun violence is the number one cause of death for children. But as I said at the time, many of the statistics being relied upon include adult teens who are not by definition children.

A couple points about this. First, if you hear people citing it, they’ll often claim, incorrectly, that it shows guns are a leading cause of death among children. But the headline of the letter points out the problem: “Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States.”…

So anyone citing this really ought to say the results are about “children and adolescents” not just “children.” But frequently that doesn’t happen…

Today, the Post’s…

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