News Busters

LEAVING LAS BIDEN: CBS Interviews Dem-Skeptical Latinos In Nevada

While in Nevada covering the ongoing primaries and GOP presidential caucus, CBS News White House Ed O’Keefe correspondent sat down with several Biden-skeptical Latinos in Nevada. The interview resulted in a new installment in a series: the ongoing crack-up of President Biden’s 2020 coalition.

Watch as a Democrat-leaning Latina expresses her lack of enthusiasm for Biden, based on his presidential track record:

ED O’KEEFE: Idania Archuleta, a new U.S. citizen who leans Democrat, is among them.

IDANIA ARCHULETA: I was excited when I became a citizen. I was like, yes, let’s do it, you know? And now it’s like, what do I do? 

O’KEEFE: She’d like to vote for the president, but — 

ARCHULETA: There’s just so many things that have been promised and we still haven’t really seen them. 

O’KEEFE: What hasn’t Joe Biden done for you? 

ARCHULETA: Let’s start with…

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