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Biden Pledges to Blame Three Years of Border Chaos on Republican Failure to Pass ‘Border Security’ Bill – RedState

Joe Biden is pledging to use the repudiation of the so-called “border security” bill by Senate Republicans as the centerpiece of his 2024 presidential campaign placing the blame for three years of mass illegal immigration and chaos on America’s southern border on them.

READ: Mitch McConnell Urges GOP Senators to Vote Against the Border Security Bill

Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican friends.

According to the AP, the Biden reelction campaign see this as a gift.

How it ended: Biden came close to succeeding, before it all fell apart spectacularly. Now the president is trying to make the best of it after a major congressional deal was scuttled once Republican front-runner Donald Trump got involved. And Biden is intent on showing that the former president and…

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