News Busters

MSNBC’s Katyal Mourns Colorado Struggled To Defend Disqualifying Trump

Colorado had such a bad day before the Supreme Court as it tried to defend its decision to kick Donald Trump off its primary ballot that not even MSNBC and CNN could pretend otherwise. However, for MSNBC legal analyst, former Obama Solicitor General, and self-described “extremist centrist” on Twitter, Neal Katyal, it wasn’t because their arguments were so bad even the liberals appeared highly skeptical, but incompetence on the part of their lawyer.

Ana Cabrera wondered if the lawyer’s lack of experience had anything to do with it, “Neil, you are somebody who’s argued before the Supreme Court. We know the challengers here, their lawyer Jason Murray, this is his first time going before the Supreme Court whereas Trump’s lawyers argued five times before. Did you recognize the disparity in terms of their experience there? Or did you feel like…

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