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The Racial Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card. It’s Only Going To Lead To More Failure.

We have now reached the point in American life where in our racially divided society, there is a quick get-out-of-jail-free card, so long as you are a member of an intersectional group.

If you’ve done something wrong, if you are accused of corruption, or if you are accused of some sort of malfeasance, your get-out-of-jail-free card is, “You’re attacking me because I’m black.”

This has significant ramifications for American public life. The simple fact of the matter is that in a meritocracy, we should be able to point out when you are corrupt or when you have failed. If every defense to failure is that the system itself is biased against you, that means failure will continue.

This is true system-wide, everywhere — from politics to administration, from the business world to the educational world. When Claudine Gay gets fired from Harvard University, the basic idea is that it…

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