Hot Air

Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Putin – HotAir

I don’t think Tucker Carlson got what he bargained for in this interview. The interview ran about two hours but most of that was made up of Putin’s rambling answers that sometimes went on for 10-20 minutes.

To his credit, Carlson started at the most obvious starting point for a discussion with Putin, which is the reasons behind the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Instead of a clear answer he got a 30 minute lecture about the history of the region going back to the 8th century. Putin spent several minutes on events in the 17th century before finally bringing himself to World War I and World War II.

Carlson interrupted several times saying he wasn’t sure why all of this was relevant and Putin just continued his spiel. Carlson also pointed out that when he launched the invasion last year, Putin has said that he was concerned about the possibility of a US surprise attack on Russia. Putin…

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