In August 2020, Joe Biden announced that he had picked then-Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) to be his vice presidential running mate after months of pressure from powerful woke Democrats who had demanded he pick a woman of color as his veep nominee as a condition for their support.
Since that time it’s been a rocky road for the gaffe-tastic duo, with reports swirling since Year One of fissures in their working relationship, with Kamala HQ blaming Biden for making her look like a fool in public and Biden’s team essentially saying Harris needed no help whatsoever in that department (which one has to admit is a fair point).
–Report: Joe Biden Realized His Mistake With Kamala Harris Very Early On
–High Drama at D.C. Soup Kitchen as Joe Biden Appears to Snub Kamala
But as many seconds in command surely would tell people, no matter what issues they may privately have with their…