Hot Air

Biden Backpedals on Israel in Michigan – HotAir

Dearborn, Michigan is shaping up to be Ground Zero for this year’s presidential election, particularly for Joe Biden’s team. As his handlers watch his numbers crater in the swing state of Michigan, panic appears to be setting in. He’s losing ground, particularly among Arab and Muslim-Americans who are numerous in that area, mostly because they are furious over Biden’s perceived support of Israel. This week, Deputy National Security Adviser Jon Finer was dispatched to Dearborn in an attempt to make peace with them. What followed was nothing short of a pandering effort to apologize and backtrack. Finer told his audience that the Biden administration is aware that it has made serious “missteps” in its support of Israel. He said they had “left a very damaging impression” and not done enough to show how strongly they value Palestinian lives. What are these people thinking? (NY Post)


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