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Democrats Prioritize Illegal Aliens, Give US Citizens Short Shrift

They’re just not that into you.

Today’s Democrats treat the American people like a spouse who has grown routine, sometimes ungrateful, and decreasingly alluring. And they cannot forgive America for running off for four years with that damn contractor.

But Democrats swoon over the 8.8 million illegal aliens who they have helped invade the country on President Joe Biden’s watch.

These arrivistes are like a collective paramour who blends excitement, the exotic and a stiff whiff of danger. And, before long, odds are that they will vote Democrat. In a word: HOT!

That’s why American citizens lately feel jilted, if not abused by Democrats, even as illegals gasp beneath the gifts that the Left piles on. “More free stuff?” they must ask. “We must be dating, but we just wanted something casual.”

  • New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a…

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