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Want More Marriages? Make Dating Less Brutal

If you’re not looking to date this Valentine’s Day, be grateful.

It’s a disaster out there.

Pair the lingering effects of the sexual revolution, of a world where too often sexual pleasure is prioritized over relationships founded on love and giving, with Big Tech’s noxious dating apps, where algorithms seem far better at perpetuating singledom than finding people soulmates, and you’ve got a hellscape.

Yes, conservatives—and all Americans who value the family—rightly fret over the state of marriage in the United States.

The number of 40-year-old Americans who never have been married is higher than ever at 25%, according to Pew Research Center. The number of births per woman has plummeted to 1.6. Nor is that because women want fewer children: Almost half of women want three or more children, according to Gallup.

For conservatives, who rightly view the…

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