On today’s Morning Joe, ex-RNC chair Michael Steele encouraged voters to ignore Joe Biden’s undeniable mental problems, and instead focus on his supposed achievements: “Don’t worry about whether or not he remembers something that happened 30 years ago. Listen to what he’s telling you today.”
Scarborough broke in to add “Look in their bank account.” He started ranting that “all these rich people that are bitching about how he’s a socialist. And I heard another story about it last night! People around the table, this guy that’s got millions and millions of dollars, all he’s doing is bitching about, oh, Biden’s a socialist, he’s surrounded by socialists.”
He presented this as a myth you learn from watching Fox and Newsmax. Forget his “Inflation Reduction Act” getting buy-in from socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. Scarborough had the chutzpah to imply Biden is…