Red state

For Teachers’ Unions, Strikes Are the New Normal – RedState

Does anyone remember the “Red For Ed” education workers’ strikes of 2018-19 across the United States? The #RedForEd movement began in February 2018 in West Virginia and inspired similar statewide school employee strikes in Oklahoma, Arizona, and Colorado. Smaller strikes were set off in individual districts in Georgia, Kentucky, and North Carolina, and a strike by faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond.

The strikes continued into 2019, with United Teachers Los Angeles and teachers walking out in Virginia, Denver, Oakland, and Chicago.

The strikes averaged about two weeks and led to varying levels of success by the respective state and local governments.

This brief history lesson is important, because the #RedForEd movement laid the groundwork in 2018 for what would be the longest-lasting and most disastrous nationwide teacher union strike this country has ever…

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