Hot Air

Will Georgia Children Be Protected From Adult Groomers? – HotAir

There’s a battle going on in Georgia about whether teachers can discuss gender identity with children in secret, without informing parents.

In a rational world this wouldn’t be an issue. Of course, if a child is being abused at home then as mandatory reporters teachers and counselors should pass that information on to the authorities, but otherwise teachers should stay away from discussing deeply personal or moral issues with children. 

But this is not a rational world anymore, if it ever was. Teachers these days often see kids as a canvas on which they can paint their dreams, or as acolytes to lead into the promised land of Alphabetia. 

So these days legislators have to become active participants in the culture war. 

Georgia’s SB88 is a pretty simple bill: it prohibits teachers from discussing gender identity issues with children under 16 without the permission of their parents

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