News Busters

Rep. Jim Banks Warns Ad Agencies On NewsGuard Role In Military Recruitment

Over at Newsmax (where, full disclosure, I am a contributor) is this interesting headline: 

Rep. Banks Warns Ad Agencies: No More NewsGuard for Recruitment

The story reports:

Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., said woke Pentagon policies — including the use of left-wing media monitors — have been choking military recruitment and he wants them stopped.

Last week Banks sent letters to the CEOs of top advertising agencies warning them that using far-left ratings groups like NewsGuard and the Global Disinformation Index are a violation of federal law — and that he planned on holding hearings on the impact these groups have had on recruitment.

‘NewsGuard, as we already know, is a left-wing think tank and we know that they censor conservative outlets like your own,’ Banks said Wednesday on Newsmax‘s ‘Newsline.’

Taking a look at one of the letters…

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