Ann Coulter revels in making controversial statements. The author of 13 New York Times bestsellers writes a syndicated column and appears on news and talk shows regularly. Earlier in February, as RedState’s Ward Clark reported, she ruffled plenty of feathers when she appeared to be hoping for former President Donald Trump to go to his grave:
Ann Coulter: To Help Bring America Back, the Best Thing Trump Could Do Is Die
But on Friday, she stunned host Bill Maher, his guest CNN opinionist Van Jones, and the entire audience when she said we’d know all about the identities of the Kansas City Super Bowl parade shooters — if the perps were white males.
Here’s how it went down: Maher started the segment by claiming we don’t know anything about the assailants. Coulter immediately wasn’t having it:
MAHER: We don’t know who did this shooting, by the way. The Super Bowl shooting.