News Busters

CNN’s Lee Asks Biden If GOP Has ‘Navalny’s Blood…on’ Their ‘Hands’

Speaking to President Biden on Monday morning over the loud hums of Marine One on the South Lawn, CNN White House correspondent M.J. Lee went full administration tool and lobbed a softball about whether House Republicans have deceased Russian dissident “Alexei Navalny’s blood…on” their “hands…right now” because they haven’t passed new aid for Ukraine.

Biden walked over to assembled reporters after yet another weekend in Delaware, saying he’d “be happy to” take questions “if you have anything to say.” Sure enough, Lee did with this question that came off like something you’d hear from, say, Jim Acosta or Brian Karem: “Mr. President, would you go so far as to say that Alexei Navalny’s blood is on the hands of House Republicans right now?”



An absurd logical fallacy. Did Karine Jean-Pierre write this question for her?…

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