Hot Air

Is Too Much Niacin Deadly? Don’t Trust Nutrition Science to Tell You – HotAir

In my experience, nutrition research is junk science. 

The same is true in your own experience, I am certain. Since I am turning 60 this year, I have been given so much contradictory advice on nutrition that if I still took it seriously my head would explode. 

These days I read it and get that little jolt of excitement when it tells me what I want to hear, and I dismiss it when it tells me something inconvenient. I occasionally follow the advice, but at some point trail off because, well, who knows if it is any good and changing my habits is tough. 

The latest bit of advice that hit the newswires is the discovery that too much niacin–a B vitamin that is used to supplement all sorts of foods, is found in B-vitamin supplements, and has been used at prescription levels to reduce cholesterol in heart patients–may cause or exacerbate heart disease

If true, then, OOPS. 

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