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Privacy Specialist Advises Deleting Many Smartphone Apps

The government and private companies spy on us.

My former employee, Naomi Brockwell, has become a privacy specialist. She advises people on how to protect their privacy.

In my new video, she tells me I should delete most of my apps on my phone.

I push back. I like that Google knows where I am and can recommend a “restaurant near me.” I like that my Shell app lets me buy gas (almost) without getting out of the car.

I don’t like that government gathers information about me via my phone, but so far, so what?

Brockwell tells me I’m being dumb because I don’t know which government will get that data in the future.

Looking at my phone, she tells me, “You’ve given location permission, microphone permission. You have so many apps!”

She says I should delete most of them, starting with Google Chrome.

“This is a terrible app for privacy. Google…

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