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Clyburn Says Biden’s Gaffes Have ‘Nothing To Do With His Brain,’ Points To Struggles With Stuttering

The myriad of gaffes by President Joe Biden has “nothing to do with his brain,” a veteran Democrat in Congress said on Saturday as he pointed to Biden’s lifelong fight to overcome a stutter.

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), a co-chair of Biden’s re-election campaign, defended the 81-year-old president during an interview on CNN as polls show up to 86% of Americans believe Biden is too old to serve a second term in the White House.

“If Joe Biden commits a gaffe, a guy who stuttered all of his childhood, into his adulthood and everybody knows his stuttering is what caused a lot of his speech impediments, and we know that. It has nothing to do with his brain, he stumbles one time and everybody says, ‘He’s too old to be the president,’” Clyburn said.

The congressman then alluded to the release last week of a new survey of historians who ranked all the presidents from best to worst,…

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