News Busters

Michael Steele Half-Crosses Himself Over Black Republican

sAlicia Menendez Symone Sanders-Townsend Roy Cooper Michael Steele MSNBC The Weekend 2-25-24 Joe Biden has the odd and at times inappropriate habit of crossing himself in public, political situations. Thus the self-described devout Catholic crossed himself while mentioning Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert — then proceeded to attack her at length.

On two occasions, Biden even crossed himself while interacting with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, including once while Netanyahu was making a speech to Congress. Oy vey!

On the Sunday edition of MSNBC’s The Weekend, co-anchor Michael Steele, the former RNC Chairman turned member of the disgraced Lincoln Project, made like Biden. Steele sort of half-crossed himself in a discussion of North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, who is very likely to be the Republican nominee for governor in November.

They ran a clip of Robinson at CPAC, proclaiming “The left is wrong. They are wrong on…

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