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Are the Long Knives Out for Justice Sotomayor From the Left? – HotAir

Justice Sonia Sotomayor is the oldest Democrat-appointed justice on the court. It is starting to look like Democrats are ready to give her the heave-ho to give President Biden another shot at putting a Democrat on the Supreme Court.

It sounds like Democrats are none too confident that their guy Joe will win re-election in November. So, to head off another Trump nominee to the majority conservative court, Democrats hope that Sotomayor will take the hint and retire. 

Will it happen? Nah. It’s a lifetime appointment. Why should she give that up at the age of 69? She’s young compared to other Democrats in top leadership positions in our government, including Joe Biden. But in the meantime, there will be stories that place doubt on her ability to continue serving on the court. 

Take the story that was published at HuffPost on Friday. A new report states that Justice Sotomayor is the…

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