Red state

Hunter Biden Joins the Fight Against Trump With Hilariously Sociopathic Proclamation – RedState

I’m not going to pretend that Hunter Biden carried some kind of credibility before these latest comments, but seeing a sociopath in his element is still a sight to behold. 

The president’s degenerate son is currently under federal indictment (again) after his sweetheart deal was exposed and blown up to such an extent that AG Merrick Garland was forced to appoint a special counsel. That’s just a small part of his story, though.

READ: Andrew McCarthy Exposes the Real Reason Behind Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal

If you’ve followed politics for any period, you are no doubt aware of Hunter Biden’s abusive escapades with drugs and women. From filming himself weighing crack to being accused of paying a Russian escort ring, calling him “troubled” would be far too mundane. 

Yet, instead of owning his faults and thanking his lucky stars his father is a high-level politician, something…

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