News Busters

PBS Anchor Wants Open-Borders Biden, Gets Reality Check from David Brooks

PBS NewsHour co-anchor Amna Nawaz worried out loud that Biden was leaning toward “very harsh” immigration policies — Trump-like policies — and that will hurt with “core groups” that got him elected in 2020.

But New York Times columnist David Brooks gently disagreed, that Biden doesn’t want a “bright line” on the border, since Trump is beating him by 39 points on immigration right now. 

This was the Nawaz question/lament: 

NAWAZ: We heard Laura Barron-Lopez’s reporting there on some weakening among the Biden coalition and core groups there. And we know, David, that President Biden is now weighing some very harsh immigration tactics through executive action at the U.S. Southern border, reminiscent really of some Trump-era policies. So does it make it harder for the president, as a candidate, to draw a bright line between himself and his likely general…

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