News Busters

Morning Joe Suggests GOP Tries To ‘Gerrymander’ Presidential Elections

Joe Scarborough Eugene Robinson MSNBC Morning Joe 2-27-24 This is the kind of keen political insight that makes MSNBC our go-to network — for laughs.

On today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough was dragging out the old DNC talking point that hey, the Republicans have lost the nationwide popular vote in seven of the last eight elections. This is how Electoral College Deniers argue.

Eugene Robinson, MSNBC’s chief political analyst, who is also an associate editor of the Washington Post, was responding to Joe Scarborough’s question as to what Republicans should do, given their popular vote record. 

Here was Robinson’s description of the Republican strategy to win the White House despite losing the popular vote:

“Well, the first thing you do, is you gerrymander the hell out of everything, right? To, to try to build in an advantage. “

Not “right,” Gene. Wrong!

In 48 of the 50 states, the winner of the state’s popular vote…

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