Red state

‘White Rural Rage’ Is ‘Single Greatest Threat Facing American Democracy’ – RedState

“Distinguished” economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is back with another ridiculous op-ed, gang. This time, the elitist, bubble-dwelling left-winger made a complete fool out of himself by declaring “white rural rage” is the “single greatest threat facing America” today.

Not only did Krugman fail to connect the dots between “white rural rage” and whatever “single greatest threat” he concocted in his TDS-riddled brain, but he also failed to provide a single example of how this alleged rage is manifested.

In other words, yet another out-of-touch crock of crap from Mr. Krugman.

In a Monday NYT op-ed titled “The Mystery of White Rural Rage,” Krugman hyperbolically wrote (emphasis, mine):

[P]rogress isn’t painless. Business types and some economists may talk glowingly about the virtues of creative destruction, but the process can be devastating economically and socially…

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