Red state

‘Jeopardy!’ Goes Woke, Gets Shredded Over ‘Parts of Speech’ Question – RedState

Wokeness, it might be said, is a prick that penetrates. And periodically, modern enlightenment injects itself in a notable way. Step by step, society becomes fuller of the fluid that refines — plunged into compliance by a social-justice syringe. 

Apropos of progressive puncture, a milestone was recently witnessed by fans of a TV titan: Via a question, “Jeopardy!” showcased its cultural relevance.

A contestant named Cris selected the category of “Speech! Parts of Speech!” for $600. The big blue screen displayed the following:

Xem, Xyrs, Xemself

In times past, the above might’ve looked like gibberish. But a sexual and linguistic revolution has come on strong; knowledge of the terms now indicates one’s social intelligence.

Cris answered expertly:

“What are pronouns.”

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