Red state

It’s MSNBC Segments Like This on ‘White Rural Rage’ That Are Going to Hurt Dems in Election – RedState

We see people locked in their ivory towers of academia, and we see politicians stuck in their bubble of D.C. political thought. 

What they often miss is a lot of middle America and what Americans truly think. 

As someone who moved from the northeast suburbs to a more rural area, with “white rural” people as well as non-white rural folks, they are some of the most welcoming people I have ever met, in a way that was both surprising and a joy. Of course, that’s anecdotal. But that’s to say that stereotypes of all kinds tend to be stupid, confining people into a box. 

Our sister site Townhall reported on this moment on MSNBC, where Mika Brzezinski had the authors of “White Rural Rage: the Threat to American Democracy” on as guests. This is something else — to cast millions of Americans this way.

Here’s what Tom Schaller, professor of political science at the University of Maryland,…

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