News Busters

CBS Promotes Study that Beats Up on America: C+ for Racial Equality

America has made tremendous progress on race relations and we’re a long way from the eras of slavery and segregation; we’ve even had a black president. But the anti-American narrative CBS Mornings pushed on Friday would have viewers believe that America was only worth a pathetic letter grade of “C+” and that it would take a frightening “180 years” for there to be true “parity” between white and black Americans. That was… unless we enacted sweeping socialist policies.

CBS welcomed Marc Morial, president of the left-wing National Urban League and husband to CBS reporter Michelle Miller (which they did disclose), who brought with him the “State of Black America” report his organization published just that morning.

Convenient, right?

“Now, this report assesses how black Americans are faring economically and socially compared to white…

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