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Trans Athlete Injures Multiple Girls, Forcing Team To Forfeit. Wither Thou, Feminism?

Third-wave feminists have set women back 50 years. Just look what they’ve done to women’s sports. Their forebears in the movement would be appalled.

Once the promises of voting and property rights had been fulfilled by the early suffragettes — the Mary Wollstonecrafts and the Susan B. Anthonys — the second-wave feminists turned their attention to other iterations of sex equality. The Gloria Steinems and the Bella Abzugs burned their bras in the streets, descended on Capitol Hill, and demanded equal employment, equal pay, and equal educational opportunity. Their crowning achievement was perhaps Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 — the federal civil rights law guaranteeing sex equality in education in all its many manifestations, whether admissions, scholarships, graduate programs, housing accommodations, or athletics.

What a difference a half-century makes. To…

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