News Busters

RuPaul’s Conflict-Ready Bunker & Understanding Queer Culture Challenges

Hey, maybe now we won’t have to see him out and about as much.

RuPaul, most popularly known from RuPauls Drag Race series, was recently profiled by The New Yorker. In the interview, RuPual Andre Charles admitted that he has plans to create a “safety net” bunker type structure and is “braced for conflict.”

In the interview titled “RuPaul Doesn’t See How That’s Any of Your Business,” which was released Friday, RuPaul noted how he’s seen every episode of the series “Secrets of British Castles,” which talks about histories of landmarks. “Humans have been horrible since the beginning of time,” RuPaul told Ronan Farrow from The New Yorker. 

Farrow then noted that RuPaul is “braced for conflict,” due to the ways of the world today. “We are moments away from a f**king civil war,” he said, “Humans on this planet are in the…

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