Hot Air

Transgender Doctors KNOW Kids Don’t Understand What They Are Doing – HotAir

Michael Shellenberger–one of the many independent journalists I subscribe to–has acquired a treasure trove of both video and internal messaging files from the World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH). 

They reveal exactly what you think they would: doctors are performing experimental and dangerous medical procedures on children who the doctors know are incapable of understanding the consequences of their choices. 

This not only directly contradicts what WPATH officials routinely tell Congress, the public, and insurance companies but also violates medical ethics that have been broadly agreed on for decades. In fact, violating these ethical standards has been ruled a war crime under the Nurenberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki.

Informed consent is one of the cornerstones of medical ethics, and it is based on the principle of human autonomy. And, as I…

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