Hot Air

Ain’t Reform Great? When the Bodies Hit the Floor…You Won’t Need Bail Money If You’re in New York – HotAir

Being a ghoul by nature and a horrified but fascinated spectator to the ongoing trainwreck that is our nation’s largest city, I could not – repeat, could not – resist this story.

I know most of us here have talked a time or two about the “bail reform” experiments all of the Democrats running the big cities (and, to a certain extent, the states – witness Pritzker in Illinois, NY’s Hochul) have been indulging themselves in and subjecting their citizens to.

For instance, just yesterday, my esteemed colleague David wrote about NY’s own governor, long a champion of bail reform, unleashing the National Guard on New York City’s subway system thanks to the utter failure of her reforms to inhibit the criminal elements in the city from preying on people just trying to ride the subway. 

And I do mean “unleashed.”

…You do have to give her credit. When she reverses course, she goes all out….

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