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Congressman to Bring Abortion Survivor to State of the Union

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Rep. Bob Good is bringing an abortion survivor and pro-life activist to the president’s State of the Union address as his guest on Thursday night.

The Virginia Republican’s choice of guest is a response to President Joe Biden’s guest, Kate Cox, the woman at the center of pro-abortion uproar in recent months.

“President Biden’s State of the Union guest Kate Cox is the first woman to sue for the right to kill her child since Roe v. Wade was overturned,” Good told The Daily Signal. “By inviting her, the president is reaffirming his commitment to advancing federal legislation to legalize the abortion of babies up to the moment of birth.”

Good’s guest, Ryan Bomberger, is a pro-life activist whose mother was tragically raped, but chose to carry him to term and put him up for adoption. Good described Bomberger’s mother as…

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