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‘De-Extinction’ Company Claims Stem Cell Breakthrough Could Produce New Pseudo-Mammoth Species – RedState

Colossal Biosciences has some really big plans – you might even say, they have mammoth plans. The problem is, that their plans don’t include any actual mammoths. They have, however, claimed a breakthrough in the development of pluripotential stem cells that may put them a step closer to making a pseudo-mammoth.

Colossal Biosciences, which calls itself “the world’s first de-extinction company,” has created stem cells it thinks will hasten the company’s marquee goal of resurrecting the woolly mammoth. The team’s research describing the accomplishment will be hosted on the preprint server bioRxiv.

The cells are induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), a type of cell that can be reprogrammed to develop into any other type of cell. The cells are especially useful in bioengineering, for their applications in cell development, therapy, and transferring genetic information across…

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