“I know the American story.”
So opens a new Biden ad with those words from the candidate/president. One suspects the Biden campaign staff either doesn’t know (or doesn’t care about) the factual American story – not to mention, importantly, the media outlets reporting on the ad.
As Biden’s words roll on, the ad flashes a photo of parading Ku Klux Klan members from the 1920s (next to the words “AMERICA FIRST, One God, One Country, One Flag,”), a brief image of Martin Luther King, Biden and then to Donald Trump, as Biden talks about the forces (good and evil, racist and anti-racist) fighting for the soul of the nation. The commercial’s obvious point is to tie the Klan to Trump.
Yet the media coverage promotes it, like this:
- Mediaite: “Biden Campaign Drops Scathing New Ad After State of the Union Featuring Images of Trump and the KKK”