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RFK Jr. Latest to Slam Biden’s Venomous SOTU, Calls It ‘Hyper-Partisan,’ Not ‘Statesman-Like’ – RedState

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., currently running as an independent presidential candidate, is the latest to jump on the bandwagon to condemn Joe Biden’s raging Thursday night State of the Union speech. There’s been plenty of criticism already:

 Joe Biden’s State of the Union Was the Most Unhinged and Angry in History

Ted Cruz Absolutely Levels Joe Biden’s Toxic State of the Union Speech – ‘Never Seen Anything Like It’

Like many viewers, Kennedy was turned off by the anger and vitriol thrown out by the slurring president and felt it was more like a campaign speech than it was a unifying address. 

“I mean, I thought the speech in general, I agree with some of the commentators that you’ve had, that it was hyper-partisan,” Kennedy told Fox News host Laura Ingraham [on Friday].

“This was more of a campaign stump speech that you’d give to a red meat crowd during the last two weeks of…

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