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Biden Fact-Checked Into Low Orbit Over Billionaire Tax Claim – RedState

President Joe Biden’s recent State of the Union spiel was a veritable fire-hose torrent of falsehoods. While the fact-checking of that entire speech will take some time just to deal with the volume of flapdoodle the president inflicted on the American populace, at least one claim has already been debunked, that being the president’s claim about taxes paid by billionaires. In an appearance on “Face the Nation” over the weekend, IBM Vice Chair and former Trump economic advisor Gary Cohn slam-dunked Biden’s claim, and he brought the receipts.

Cohn appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” to dispel how Biden tried to tap into the perception that the wealthy have greater advantages than the “little guy” after Biden claimed that billionaires pay a lower tax rate than teachers and proposed slapping a minimum tax of 25% on billionaires.

“If you actually look at who pays taxes in this country,…

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