TONIGHT, at 8 pm EST, it is time for the RedState VIP Gold show with Duke and Scott, and we will be talking about these issues:
Joe Biden spent last Thursday’s State of the Union address yelling at all of us, but shockingly, he received no positive bump from the people.
Panic Time for Democrats As Joe Biden Gets No Bump From Terrible State of the Union Speech
Also, with inflation rising in February, you have less money to spend and you have Joe Biden to thank.
Inflation Unexpectedly Higher in February Than Economists and White House Predicted
Plus a new segment where Scott Hounsell does his super secret impersonation — that only he can do.
Not a VIP Gold member yet? The best time to join is NOW, as the election season is heating up. There’s so much great content awaiting you, not only here at RedState, but with your VIP Gold subscription, you’ll have access to VIP content across…