Hot Air

Besides Mandating EVs, CA Gonna to Stick It To Anyone Using Electricity – HotAir

And who needs the go-juice in the walls?

Why, only everyone!

But in the formerly Golden State, what was once a “utility” – a necessity for a comfortable life, something every household had and everyone took for granted – has become a commodity and a privilege to pay dearly for even as it becomes a question of when and if it’s available.

The blame for most of this can be dumped on the climate cultists’ rush to renewables. There has been a pathological antipathy to just-in-case prudence as far as husbandry of existing power resources like nuclear or natural gas and a disastrous enviro-weenie aversion to fire-prevention maintenance under transmission lines. Governor Gavin Newsom’s insistence on a NetZero state target of 2035 has shoved it all forward relentlessly.

All the state does in response to the ensuing and entirely predictable snafus is play whack-a-mole.

Witness their latest plan…

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