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Reining In TikTok: A Good Thing

TikTok is getting close to being banned in the United States. That’s a good thing.

The House of Representatives has now passed a bill, 352 to 65, that would effectively force TikTok to divest from its Chinese ownership, which makes perfect sense. ByteDance, its parent company, would have to sell its share to an American company, which would make TikTok significantly less of a threat to national security.

TikTok is a viral psyop that was created by the Chinese government. It’s incredibly sophisticated algorithmically in that it is amazing at picking up viral content and then magnifying it.

But there are editorial choices made inside that algorithm about which content to magnify in the United States. The content that gets magnified on TikTok is the most politically polarizing, and it also tends to be the most socially contagious. Huge amounts of the LGBTQ agenda are pushed by TikTok,…

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