News Busters

All But NBC Tout VP Harris’ Planned Parenthood Visit

With the notable exception of NBC Nightly News, the evening network newscasts fell over themselves to promote the historic nature of Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to a Minnesota Planned Parenthood clinic- the first of its kind by a sitting president or vice president. The exuberance at the executive cosigning of the continued slaughter of the unborn was quite palpable.

Of these, the most exuberant is, as expected, ABC. Here’s a segment from correspondent Rachel Scott’s report- a master class in Biden apple-polishing:

RACHEL SCOTT: Tonight, Kamala Harris making history as the first vice president to visit a women’s health clinic where abortions are provided, a sign of just how central this issue has become to the Biden campaign. 

KAMALA HARRIS: And walking through this clinic, that’s what I saw. Are people who have dedicated their lives to…

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