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The Return of Christine Blasey Ford – HotAir

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman best known for accusing Brett Kavanaugh of trying to sexually assault her when he was 17-year-old high school student, has a new book coming out next week titled “One Way Back: A Memoir.” Part of any major book release is the requisite push to get the book into the media so people hear about it and go buy it. That won’t be hard for Blasey Ford given the impact of her 2018 testimony. Already there are pre-publication write-ups appearing in major papers once again highlighting her claim that Kavanaugh is a liar.

“The fact is, he was there in the room with me that night in 1982,” Ford writes. “And I believe he knows what happened. Even if it’s hazy from the alcohol, I believe he must know.

“Once he categorically denied my allegations as well as any bad behavior from his past during a Fox News interview, I felt more certainty than ever that…

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