Hot Air

Alphabet Activists Strike Back at NHS – HotAir

If you have been following the controversies on care for so-called transgender children, you have likely heard that the UK has, along with most European countries, reversed course on the medicalization of gender confusion in children. 

Even the Dutch, who invented the “Dutch Protocol” that normalized the use of puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery to “treat” people who think they are transgender, are abandoning the practice. They have all done so because the evidence isn’t there that this helps, and there is lots of evidence piling up that these “treatments” have devastating consequences for children, including a doubling of suicide rates. 

Oops. Who could have predicted that? (Raises hand). 

WPATH, the World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare, is under tremendous strain as the House of Cards is falling everywhere outside the United States, and they are…

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