Red state

What Goes Around, Comes Around

I can remember, all too well, the late ’70s when I was in high school. In our small eastern Iowa community, the young men (including me) wore what amounted to a uniform: a cap of some sort, normally with the logo of some agricultural equipment manufacturer or automobile company, a black T-shirt with pocket (for smokes), blue jeans worn so long that they dragged on the ground behind your heels, and some kind of boots, usually black engineer boots or ropers. The fun part about all that was that if you looked at photos from the mid to late ’50s before the bizarre styles of the ’60s kicked in, you saw a very similar look on a lot of young men.

What goes around comes around, in clothing like anything else, and now we see something else making a comeback – short shorts. In the ’50s they were called short shorts, in the ’60s hot pants, in the ’70s Daisy Dukes, and now it seems they are

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