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Why Is President Biden Helping Hamas?

President Joe Biden’s recent foreign policy moves are baffling. By any rational standard, they are undermining Israel and helping Hamas.

When Biden was caught on an open microphone following his State of the Union address telling Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado that Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were “going to have a come-to-Jesus meeting,” you have to wonder what he’s thinking.

It was a weird comment for two reasons. First, it is unlikely the leader of the Jewish state will have a “come-to-Jesus moment.” (Maybe a come-to-Moses or Abraham moment—but not a come-to-Jesus moment.) I have known Netanyahu since the 1980s. I am confident he was amused rather than intimidated by Biden’s comment.

Second, the American president cannot dictate to the prime minister of Israel. Israel is a sovereign country. Furthermore, its entire…

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