Hot Air

Stanford Professor Behind California’s New Equity-Focused Math Curriculum Accused of Bogus Citations – HotAir

Someone should really make a documentary about this. A “rock-star” Stanford Education professor who helped inspire math de-tracking in San Francisco and who subsequently helped re-write the California math curriculum with an emphasis on equity has been accused of dozens of cases of “citation misrepresentation.” 

A Stanford University professor, whose research was credited with inspiring San Francisco’s failed experiment to ax 8th grade algebra, is facing allegations of “reckless disregard for accuracy” in her work, according to an official academic complaint filed Wednesday with Stanford’s provost and dean of research.

The anonymous complaint, backed by a California-based group of math-and-science focused professionals, alleges that Professor Jo Boaler—the most prominent influence on California’s K-12 math framework that nudges schools away from accelerated math…

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