Hot Air

US Gave Israel Green Light, Intel for Global Assassination Campaign Against Hamas? – HotAir

Good news if true, even it appears to be offered as an alternative to killing the last four Hamas brigades in Gaza. That certainly beats the ludicrous suggestion earlier this week from Joe Biden and his administration that the IDF could secure the Egypt-Gaza border to starve Hamas out of Rafah … while the US airdrops food and medicine into the city.

But is this on the level? The Jerusalem Post reported it this afternoon, based on an earlier NBC News story:

American officials have seemingly greenlighted and supported the Israeli assassination campaign in Gaza and abroad, according to a report on NBC on Thursday, citing unnamed American and Israeli officials.

The report cites claims from American Congressional figures that seizures of intelligence were behind the assassination of Hamas number 3, Marwan Issa, last week.

The unnamed officials, both former and current, claimed that the…

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