Hot Air

New York’s Squatters Law Must Be Changed – HotAir

Adele Andaloro grew up in her family’s home in the Flushing neighborhood of Queens in New York City. Recently, after her parents passed away, she inherited the million-dollar property when they left it to her in their will. She dutifully went about preparing the house for sale and put it up on the market. That’s when everything began to go sideways. Three squatters broke into the home at night and set up residence, causing significant damage to the building and removing the “For Sale” sign from the yard. When Andaloro found out, she returned and changed the locks, seeking to have them removed. But the level of insanity in this story only increased when the police responded by arresting Adele Andaloro instead of the squatters. Now the tale has taken another strange turn. Two men whom the New York Post describes as “vigilantes” showed up at the house on Tuesday and attempted to…

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